Frequently Asked Questions
Is KlavarScore suitable for all instruments and singing?
No, KlavarScore can only be used on keyboard instruments. Singers and players of non-keyboard instruments lack the necessary information to perform the music correctly.
Is it possible for a KlavarScore player to play together with somebody who uses the standard notation?
Yes, most KlavarScore pieces intended for playing together have an extra staff showing the part for the other player so the KlavarScore player can see what the other person will play. Every person can use his/her own music notation. See the "Peer Gynt Suite" for four hands by Edvard Grieg on the "Sheet-Music" page.
Is KlavarScore new?
No, it was first published as Klavarskribo in 1931 by Cornelis Pot from The Netherlands.
What is the difference between scrolling KlavarScore and other scrolling "notation" videos?
On YouTube you will find videos with coloured blocks falling towards a keyboard. If you have tried to learn to play music using these videos, you still need to learn a system of notation to play from sheet music. If you have learned to play songs using that type of video, you should find scrolling KlavarScore much easier.
Is it possible to buy KlavarScore sheet music books?
Yes, the Klavarskribo Foundation in The Netherlands has thousands of music books in stock, with classical, religious and contemporary music for piano and organ.
Why no tied notes, flats/sharps?
These are not necessary. In KlavarScore a continuation dot is used instead. In KlavarScore flats and sharps are not used because on the KlavarScore staff there is a line representing each black key on the keyboard. On keyboard instruments you use the same black key to play enharmonics (e.g. the F# and the Gb). These are things that make KlavarScore easier to read than the standard notation.
I suffer from dislexion, is KlavarScore suitable for me?
Dutch scientific research suggests that Klavar notation is likely more suitable than traditional notation for people with dislexia.