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New in January 2025:
An update/upgrade of KlavarScript and the user manual is available.
See "Transcribing....."

Tablet T files on a universal PDF reader (all Tablets)
Installing Tablet T files in MobileSheets (Android or Windows)
Using the Tablet Files
Installing Scrolling  _L files on Smartphone and Tablet
Using Scrolling  _L files
Installing accompanying audio tracks
Using accompanying audio tracks
Additional settings
Transcribing standard notation to KlavarScore

Tablet T files on a universal PDF reader (all Tablets)

The KlavarScore _T files are primarily made to be download and used on a 8"-12" tablet, but of course they can also be printed on a A4 or Letter size.

For using the downloadable KlavarScore _T files on a Tablet a PDF reader or a music app is needed that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

A good music app for Android tablets is “MobileSheets”, the trial version is free, the Pro version is not free. Other PDF or sheet music readers could also be suitable, also on the Apple iPad.

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MobileSheets  -   The Sheet Music reader App

“MobileSheets” is an universal music reading app for Android tablets, iPad, smartphones, Windows PCs and laptops, originally designed for use with standard music notation. The trial version (“MobileSheets”) is free but contains advertisements, the version without advertisements (“MobileSheetsPro”) costs about $15.

MS is a very comprehensive music reading app, in which you can also make notes in your PDF files. This chapter only describes how to get started with the KlavarScore files as quickly as possible. For more information about the possibilities of this app, you can use the official manual, there is also a shortened version (Quick Guide) available.

To buy MS for Android you need an account with Google. Hereby you have been given a free storage space (5 GB) called the "Cloud", "Google Drive". For use on a Windows computer, please visit the Microsoft Store. If you keep the files you downloaded in the Cloud, you can easily transfer them to the tablet or smartphone.

Once you have purchased the app, you can install it on multiple devices (tablets and smartphones) within your account at no additional cost.

An iPhone (Apple) version of MS is being worked on, it will be ready soon.

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Installing Tablet  _T  files in MobileSheets

Opening MS for the first time

The first time you open MP you will get this question (at the right):
Select "Close"

You can answer or skip the next questions:  "Select Preferred Terminology" =  as you like.

"Select File Storage Setting": "Let MobileSheets manage my files" = "Yes"
Tap "Close"

You will then arrive at the main screen, the "Library"

Loading Tablet _T files

1 – Choose the menu “IMPORT” (top right), select your storage location e.g. "Google Drive", "Dropbox" or "Local File", choose the Tablet file you want to install (filename_T.pdf) and tap OK" .

2 – In the menu “Import settings” tap on “OK”;
"Import results" also tap "OK".

3 – The name of the imported score is now visible in the Library under the tabs "Recent" and "Songs", select that song by tapping on it.

4 - Tap the center of the screen, a grey band with various characters appears at the bottom of the screen; in the manual this is called the "Overlay". At the moment you only use the left part, for ease of reading these characters are provided here with a letter.

The following steps (5 and 6) must be performed for each new Tablet file:

5 - Tap "D" button, you will now see the "Select Display Mode" menu.
In the second box "SONG SETTINGS" the checkmark "Use default display mode for song" should be "OFF"
Then select in this box "Display mode" = "Single Page".
Tap "OK".

6 - Tap the button "E", you will now see the menu "Select Page Scaling Mode".
In the block "SONG SETTINGS" the checkmark "Use default page scaling for song" should be "OFF"
Then select in this box "Scale Mode" = "Full screen".
Tap "OK".

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Using the Tablet Files

>> Remove the Overlay: Tap in the centre of the screen.

>> Next page: Tap the right side of the screen.

>> Previous page: Tap the left side of the screen.

>> Back to the Library: Tap the center of the screen; then tap the left arrow in the gray strip at the top of the screen.

>> With the Tablet files you can load and play a matching audio file. See "Accompanying audio tracks (mp3)".

See also: Additional settings to adapt MP to your personal wishes.

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Installing Scrolling  _L files on Cellphone and Tablet

(MobileSheets app required)

Opening MP for the first time

(You can skip this when you have opened MS before)

The first time you open MS you will get this question (at the right):

Select "Close"

You can answer or skip the next questions:
- "Select Preferred Terminology" =  as you like.

- "Select File Storage Setting": "Let MobileSheets manage my files" = "Yes"
Tap "Close"

You will then arrive at the main screen, the "Library"

Loading Scrolling _L files

1 – Choose the menu “IMPORT” (top right of the Library), select your storage location e.g. "Google Drive", "Dropbox" or "Local File", choose the Scrolling KlavarScore file you want to install (filename_L.pdf) and tap OK ".

2 – In the “Import Settings” menu, tap “OK”; At "Import results" also tap "OK".

3 – The imported score is now visible in the Library under the tabs "Recent" and "Music", select that song by tapping on it.
Your Scrolling score will now appear on the screen, but perhaps too wide or illegibly narrow.

4 - Tap the center of the screen, a gray band with various characters will now appear at the bottom of the screen; this is called the Overlay". At the moment you only use the left part, for explanation these characters are provided here with a letter.

5 - Tap "D" button, you will now see the "Select Display Mode" menu.

In the block at the top "DEFAULT SETTINGS" select "Display mode" = "Vertical scrolling".

In the block "SONG SETTINGS" the check mark "Use default display mode for song" must be "ON".

Only in a Tablet:
In the box "GLOBAL SETTINGS (....)" the checkmark "Allow zoom out beyond 100%" must be "ON".
Tap "OK" and go to No. 6.

In a Cellphone:
In the box "GLOBAL SETTINGS (....)" the checkmark "Allow zoom out beyond 100%" must be "OFF".
Tap "OK".

6 - Tap the button "E", you will now see the menu "Select Page Scaling Mode".

In the block at the top "DEFAULT SETTINGS" select "Scale Mode" = "Fit width".

In the block "SONG SETTINGS" the checkmark "Use default page scaling for song" must be "ON".
Tap "OK".

7 - Tap button "A", then "Scroll Settings", you will now see the menu "Automatic Scrolling Settings"

- Tap "Scroll behavior" and select "Scroll through the entire track within a fixed time".

- Tap "SET AS DEFAULT" (bottom right of this window).
The Scroll behavior setting now applies to all Scrolling files being loaded.

- At the top of your Scrolling file is the duration for that piece: enter this time here at "Total duration".
Tap "OK".

- You can change "Time before scroll starts" later.
Tap "OK".

- When the score is too wide you can "zoom out" with your fingers.

For more tracks to be loaded next, you only need to set the "Total duration".

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Using scrolling files

>> Tap in the bottom right corner of your screen, now the MS "Quick Action Box" will appear (if you don't do anything it will disappear after 5 sec).

>> Start scrolling:
Tap the bottom sign (Score) to start scrolling the score.

>> Stop scrolling:
Tap the lower right corner of your screen again, tap the bottom score sign.

>> Back to the Library:
Click on the center of the screen, then click on the left arrow in the gray strip at the top of the Library screen.

>> You can also load and play a matching audio file with the Scrolling files. See "Accompanying audio tracks (mp3)" in the next chapter.

See also: Additional settings to adapt MS to your personal wishes.

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Installing accompanying Audio Tracks (mp3)

MobileSheets provides the ability to "connect" an associated audio file (mp3) to a score, so that when you select this score, this audio file is automatically loaded and you can listen to it while reading or playing the score.
You can use this when studying. In many KlavarScore Tablet and Scrolling files you will find links (links) to download matching audio (mp3) files for free.

1 - Go to the Library screen and press the title for which you want to load an audio file until a box with a "tick" appears in front of the name of the piece.

2 - Tap "EDIT SONG"

3 - A new screen will now open, tap "Audio" (should be underlined in blue):

4 - Tap the + sign on the right of the screen; the menu as shown on the right appears. Choose the storage location of your mp3 files.
Select the correct file in it and tap "OK"


5 - Your chosen file will now appear in the "Audio files" box. Tap "OK" in the blue bar at the top of the screen. You are now back in the Library screen, behind the name of your score there is now a "note sign" (standard note!).

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Using accompanying audio tracks (mp3)

>> To start the song: Tap on the name in the Library screen, the score will appear.

>> Tap in the bottom right corner of your screen, now the MS "Quick Action Box" will appear (if you don't do anything it will disappear after 5 sec).

>> Tap the top sign ">" (Audio) to start the music.

>> Tap the bottom character (Score) to start scrolling.

>> To stop the music before the piece ends: tap the lower right corner of your screen again, tap the top sign ">" and eventually the bottom sign.

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Additional settings

to customize MobileSheets to your personal need.

There are many more settings that can be useful for you, feel free to try those!

> Tap on the three white dots to the right of “IMPORT” and choose “Settings”.

1 - Tapping on the screen
- Select "Touch & Pedal Setting" > "Touch Actions"
Advised Selection:
  Top Left Corner:         "Go to Start of Song"
  Top Center:                 "Start or Stop Scrolling"
  Top Right Corner:      "None"
  Bottom Left Corner: "None"
  Bottom Center:          "None"
  Two Finger Tap:          "Reset Pan and Zoom"
  Three Finger Tap:       "None"
  Quick Action Box:       "Bottom Right Corner"
- Press "Close".

>>  To Start or Stop Scrolling: tap on Center Top of the screen.
>>  To get the "overlay" menu: tap on the centre of he screen.
>>  Full screen again: tap on the middle of the screen.
>>  When your score is "zoomed out" too far: tap with two fingers.

2 - Background fill colour
This colour is used to fill empty spaces and the room between the pages.
> "Display Settings"> "Background fill colour".
Advised setting: "White"

3 - Page colour tone
A page colour could be selected to reduce glare and eye strain.
> "Display Settings"> "Page colour tone".

4 - Device orientation lock
> "Display Settings"> "Device orientation lock".
Advised setting: "Portrait".

5 - Page slider
> "Display Settings"> "Page slider Visibility".
Advised setting: "Hidden".

6 - Prompt before Exit
> "Other Settings" > "Prompt before Exit"
Advised setting: "On".

7 - Floating Toolbar (Library)
> "Library Settings" > "Show Floating Toolbar".
Advised setting: "Off".

8 - Default settings
Brings all the settings back to the position as when you started MobileSheetsPro for the first time.
> “Other Settings” > “Reset Settings to Default” (that’s the last one, at the bottom).

9 - For advanced MS users:
MS has "Standard Settings" that only need to be set once, with each newly loaded track you can indicate that the default settings should be used. Here it has been chosen that the settings for the Scrolling are standard, with Tablet files it must always be specified that the standard settings should NOT be used. You can of course also do this the other way around.

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Transcribing Standard Music Notation to KlavarScore

Transcribe your own sheet music to KlavarScore.

For the making of KlavarScore-notation you need the free (Windows) transcribing software KlavarScript.

In KlavarScript you can enter the notes yourself, one by one, or you can use an XML, a MusicXML (.musicxml) file or even a MIDI (.mid) file. The .musicxml files are the best option, because they usually include not only the notes, but also the performance directions. These .musicxml files are made using musical notation/scanning software or you can download them from the internet.

A new version of Klavarscript (Dec. 2024) is available, suitable for Windows 10/11.
An important addition is that now also ornamental signs, as usual in Standard Music Notation, can be placed.
There is also a new (January 2025) version of the user manual for KlavarScript. This is only for KlavarScript from Dec. 2024

NEW in the manual 2025:
1 - Chapter on double notes and overlapping notes removed (update in KS)
2 - Chapter on ornaments as in Standard Music Notation added (Chapter 2.6.8).
3 - Chapter on creating Scrolling KlavarScore added (Chapter 3.7).
4 - Minor adjustments due to update KS.

There are also files with the extension .mxl (the letters x and m are swapped). These should first be converted to .musicxml by using the free notation app "MuseScore".

Well-known internet sources of .xml files are:

The Midi (.mid) files from the internet are not always usable because the notes are often shortened to let the track sound better. But this also causes too much stop signs and continuation dots in KlavarScript.

Most of the software for the standard notation can “export” their sheet music files to .musicxml files.
The most commonly used procedure is making your own .musicxml file from sheet music in the Standard Music Notation by using a scanner and scanning software that recognizes the music notes.

Scanning software:
Capella Scan:  www.capella-software.com/us/
PhotoScore: www.neuratron.com/photoscore
SmartScore: www.musitek.com/
Sibelius: www.avid.com/sibelius-first
PlayScore: www.playscore.co/
iSeeNotes: www.iseenotes.com/

Download free Windows transcribing software KlavarScript at: tap here
Download the free KlavarScript manual (PDF) tap here.

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